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Entrepreneur, Creative, servant, teacher, mom and motivational speaker

​Through the necessity of survival as a single black mother of three sons and a beautiful daughter. I've been blessed and anointed as a personal life skills and success coach. I teach men simple strategies to master self-awareness and self-actualization, so that they are equipped to live on purpose and successfully accomplish their goals in life. 

I emphasize what I call C.O.R.E Coaching, confidence, optimism, resilience and excellence. These are the foundational elements of all aspects of our attitude, body, and spirit. 

I survived decades of trauma, tragedy and trials, that fortified me with a wealth of knowledge, resources and skillsets to thrive regardless of the circumstantial evidence against me. I trained my children how to transition through tough times with the power of prayer, passion and persistence. We transformed our circumstances into teachable moments. Ultimately, challenges became strengthening tools for charismatic engagements and powerful networking. This type of positive progressive performance is a combination of nature which men inherently possess, the birthright, which is spiritual predestined since the beginning of existence, and the nurturing of a virtuous woman.

Don't let your circle, trap you in a cycle.

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